

es I know I haven't update this blog for like 6483548465 years, and well, sorry for abandoning this little blog. Why am I back now? Well to be exact, this would be the second last post that I will ever update. Sorry la, before got busy with all the summatives and exams, and now got a little lazy. As a Chinese proverb said: All good things must come to an end.

Anyways, see the picture up there?
Yep I drew that.
With a mouse.
For 2 days =.=
This picture is like...a week ago if i'm not mistaken. Oh yea, the date right there, Aug 5th. Well okay, I know the skin is too tanned -.- hair has no shading at all -.- weird eyes -.- and no EYEBROWS -.- Okay don't judge, I know it looks really bad, no need to remind me how not talented i am.

Another one i drew:

Well although I didn't  like it, but at least the person i drew this for liked it, so i'm okay la, not too sad :3
eres another one that I drew on my birthday for Rose Étoile's drawing competition. Well no, I didn't win <.< but okay la, wasn't look to win the prizes, just wanna give it try.
Then again
Drew this
With a mouse -.-
For 2 days
Well worth it la
Actually no, not worth it -.- seriously, this drawing is hideous D;

And again, no one else to draw D;
Yes i know, i should probably stick with editing more than drawing, I just have zero talent ._.

Have a wonderful pico life,
With love,



o a while ago, someone informed me about this house contest event and invited me to join, so I thought, why not? Okay I wasn't expecting to win at all, but I decided to give it a try. But guess what? I seriously did win! Well okay, excitement got overwhelmed when I saw the prize was 500ag. Yea I know it isn't a lot but still, I still want it ;) Well guess what happens after? NOTHING. Then it kind of reminds of the new year photo contest, where I won but no prize came. Well I don't know, they said I'll receive the prize later, but when is later? next year?
Have a wonderful Pico life la~
With curiosity,


Scammer much?

wo days ago, it was just a typical day in Pico. But while I was in Suzhou area, these two people popped up and made my day not typical. Well who are they? Who knows. One of them tries to make me to give him gummies, an one of them tries to sell AG to me. Well of course, these are really cheesy scamming techniques, I mean seriously, who would be that dumb to believe them =.=

"eternal if you buy ag, buy in my url you get a bonus 50% it's work"

"u must give gummies or u gonna die!"

Hello? Buy 100ag get 200ag? That's 50%? Go back to school and learn your math before you start scamming. Like I said before, want free gummies? Sorry I only give free hugs and kisses *o*

Have a normal PIco life,
With Love,


GM games hacking

bout a week ago, the gummies betting games were back so of course, everyone rushed to play them. For me, I just went on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... 18th accounts to send me gummies. But guess what, some hackers in Pico can bet 500 million gummies in a game, and purposely give up, and no, not 500k it's 500 MILLION in just ONE game. That's what happen to my dearest someone along with a few other friends of mine. You have any idea how it feels like to get disconnected then been told your account is temporarily suspended? Well, not fun and terrifying. And all Pico said was only "temporarily" but temporarily means how long? A year maybe? I heard something about people will get un-ban when the GM games are back, but it's been days already, no hope anymore ._.

That's why, everyone please, don't hack. Pico admins knows EXACTLY what's going on in their game, don't think that they don't know you hacked. So please raise the awareness, if too many people hacking, Pico will eventually close down, and none of us want that to happen right?

In memories of fishy, poop, and micat,
With love,


24 Hours of Maintenance

his is seriously torturing.This morning, woke up and saw the maintenance, thought it would be gone in a few hours but NOPE, came home from school and it's still there -.- Seriously, the maintenance has been here for 20 hours already D; "Time is a subject to change" <.< yea they changed the time like 82347293 times. And it's sad but true, when during maintenance time like this, the equinox chat is going crazy again, yes, we have no lives ;) So after 2 hours of spamming, Carl made us tiny chat again. This time, finally get to see a few more equinox members' faces, and also, we we're keep destroying Yachi's drawing on the white board, and after everyone left, here's what I drew:

Yea, Angie drew the flower, and I drew the Dreamworks and the silhouette  of a landscape. LOL my drawing looks nice? Well it was okay but I kind of rushed through, so yea, screwed up D;

Anyways, so now I realize. Back then when there's a maintenance, I would just complain all day and bored to death, but now, I got the whole equinox  club to hang with:) Looking back, joining equinox is a very smart move ;)

Kay so, whatcha doing now? Cursing Pico?


April fools ;)

My first ever pictorial with the equinox members~ Photo cred: CαяL™ 

inally! I've been waiting for this for so long already. Why? Well first of all, I really love the "kick me" t-shirt and the glasses AND remember the bowties from new year park? I love those but sadly I missed it. Well, all I want is in the robot now but I just spent all my gummies on blocks yesterday, and so nope, didn't get to buy everything >.<
Anyways, throughout yesterday and today, I got trolled like 247682681236 times (-sigh- I know I'm gullible). The scariest one was the prank set up by the Étoile Sisters. Take a look at this:


Truth and Rumors

ew mins ago, I was slotting and suddenly, nightmare came to my room. Okay yea, I thought I was seeing things again but it turns out to be real. So what I did? Go back to my room and meet her ;) So when I got there, she was standing there, at the door. Well yes, I got scared because all the rumors I heard about her. But guess what? Turns out I was wrong, and all these rumors was wrong. She told me she was never banned and she will not take away ANYONE'S favs. So anyone still worry? well you shouldn't be ;)

Have a wonderful Pico life~
With Love,


Nightmare is Back

ored again and so checked the hot 30 list for some good events, and guess what I saw? Nightmare. She. Is. Back. It's been a year already, and here she comes again. For those of you who doesn't know who she is: she is the most well known, most famous hacker of all time. She can make you go up to Hot # 1 or make you drop out of Hot 30 list. Well she was banned, and now shes back. It's going to be one by one, all those Hot 30 people's favs will slowly disappears.
Have a peaceful Pico life, 
Still freaked,

Loved :3

esterday, when EVERYONE was offline, when I'm bored to death, one of my friend went on. Well i didn't recognize her at first because changed her name and well, long story. Anyways, since I was so bored, and I kind of miss my wifey, so I went to my wifey's house to feed her dog. Then she came and told me to go to her house. Well I was confused at first but then turns out, she was building me a cake, yea my birthday is still 3 months away but still. LOL you can't tell it's a cake from the picture, but it doesn't matter how the cake looks like, it's the heart behind it. Well, I still feel loved now xD Simple things like this can really make me smile ;)

Have a loving Pico life~
Still feels warm,


BJ Winter Bunny Challenge

inally, another blackjack challenge, I've been waiting for this for so long. LOL and I swear, I saw this challenge in Pigg a while ago. Anyways, no more slotting WHOOHOO and this challenge is really easy, just 2 hours of blackjacking is more than enough to finish the challenge. Oh and who got the tinier me gothic outfits? Honestly, those aren't the best clothes I've seen, it look really awkward._. Okay that's enough of changing topics, now back to the BJ, here's my guide:


Sweet Candy Challenge

h La La~ I swear I saw this challenge in Pigg a while ago. Anyways, yes again, challenges again, it is called sweet and it is sweet indeed~ This challenge kind of reminds me of the first challenge we ever had in Pico. Anyways, the slot right now is still really bad, the old slot isn't back yet, perhaps it will never be back T^T Yes its 10x but it still earns really slow, I spent 4 hours of slotting and only earned 16k. Thanks to special someone or else I wouldn't have finish this challenge. Here's my guide as usual:


Pink Escargot D;

orry for abandoning this blog a little, it's been really busy this few days, but now I'm back ~ So anyone still remember back in January, when the rumor of pink and blue escargot was floating around the internet. Well it finally came true yesterday. And yes, it cost C$2,000,000.

And also, 10x slot campaign now, and no, the old slot isn't back yet, I hate this slot right now, it doesn't earn as much as before. And shouldn't they make this cheaper? I mean it's limited item, it should be 1 million! Well it's quite impossible to get it, right now it's like...saving money for the blue escargot. 

Have a wonderful slotting life,
With love,



kay, so lately, I have no idea what happen to slot, but it really piss me off. So not long ago, there were the challenge where Pico made it 10x for the last day, so I did what I usually did, rush to slot and slot all day, but guess what, it's not even 10x, it's 5x. And for this chocolate challenge, it said 4x but it earn even less than 3x D; So confusing x_x

Great, another 24 hours of 10x, and still no 10x winning amount for me :/ Is it just me or did Pico changed the allotment? What ever problem it is, I just want the old slot back D:<

Have a awesome slottin' Pico life,
With /conf,


Coming soon: Beauty & Beast

t's like few days ago? I don't remember. Anyways, it always seems like everything happened in Pigg will happen in Pico eventually, just like the slot challenges, the cherry anniversary items, and many more. So this picture is leaked from Pigg, the theme is beauty and the beast, and I assume it will come to Pico soon, so here it is, get a taste of what's coming up next~ (or not)

These are the stuffs are from the gacha, and in Pigg, the first spin of this gacha is free, but in Pico, it would probably in a robot and yes, not free. And if you collect all the items, then girls will get Belle's wig and dress, and I'm sorry, I have no idea what guys will get.

So who's your beauty
and who's your beast?
Have a Wonderful Pico life,
With love,


Thank you

s you know, I'm getting really lazy now, I don't host any events anymore, not even ring back parties to earn gummies. But amazingly, I finally reached my goal. Yes 200 faves. I remember when I got banned, my faves seems like jumping down from a building, it keeps dropping. Well now I'm back and so are my faves. So finally, a few days ago it reached 200 and now I can die happy xD


Have a wonderful Pico life,
With tons of LOVE,


I'm back, and Hello Equinox

erhaps you haven't notice yet, but I am here to gladly announce it: I am BACK :D I have no idea though. Once I was so bored, and I remember my FB friend's status from long ago saying something about "If curiosity killed the cat, then..." I don't remember the rest of the expression, so I Googled it and I accidentally clicked into this page, where they redirect me into FB. Surprising huh? 

Maid and Duke challenge~

es, I finally finished the challenge. I really love the outfits in this challenge, it's sweet and cute and most of all, Pico finally separate the prizes into boys and girls, the past challenges' prize are all unisex, when I wear it, I look boyish, a guy wear it, it looks girly. Anyways, so when first day I went back, it was 3x, so I didn't bother doing it. Then it was 10x during the last day, and it really earned me a lot :)

Slot 10x !! (it's already over)

kay, so the last 10x in slot was ages ago, and no one would've expected to come again. But this time, it isn't only for 2 hours, it's for 24 hours!! Well okay, of course I rushed to the casino and slot all day, and I wouldn't never expect I could finish the Maid and Duke challenge but I did. For some reason, it's because Pico is losing players now, and they made all these just to get people to play their game. Well anyways, I don't care xD