
Casino cards

lot of people have asked me how casino cards work, I realize there's a lot of confusion going on so I decide to share these information with everyone. If you know casino cards like inside out, good for you, if you don't then continue reading.

How it works:

     On your own casino card window, you can see what grade you, how much you won this month, and how much you won last month, and it looks like this:
    As you can see, there's a lot of information about your card, but don't worry, no one can see this other than yourself, if someone want to check your card all they can see is this:
     See? No worries right?

4 Rankings:

   There are four rankings, and they are:

- Red (win 9 999 or less in a month)
- Silver (win 10 000 - 99 999 in a month)
- Gold (win 100 000 - 999 999 in a month)
- Black (win 1 000 000+ in a month)

    This is the weirdest part, if you got a silver card(or any other card other than red) last month, you'll still get an silver card(or whatever card you got last month) for this month. But if you didn't win anything this month, your silver card(or whatever card) will be back to red next month, so if you want too keep your card, you better run to the casino and win some money.

Have a wonderful Pico life,

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