
Celeb Pop Challenge

llo you people, are you all busy slotting? Well I was, this weekend, right after the the Exotic Arabian Challenge, here it is, Celeb pop Challenge~~ The items for this challenge are really cute, especially those glasses ^ ^ oh and here, the little guide that I put together (but mostly copied from the Pico's Official site XD):

December 16th~December 20th (23:59 GMT)

in Slot Area

Win C$1,000(from the start)
Almighty One x10, Slot x3 Perfume x5
Win C$10,000(from start)
→Almighty Three x 10, Slot x5 Perfumex5
Win C$50,000 (from the start)
→Pop Modern Sofa, Almighty Three x 5, Slot x5 Perfume x5
Win C$ 100,000(from the start)
→ Pop Modern Speaker, Pop Modern Floor,
Almighty Three x5, Slot x5 Perfume x5
Win C$200,000 (from the start)
Pop Modern Wall, Pop Modern Outfit, Pop Modern Cap, Pop Modern Sunglasses,
Almighty Three x10, Slot x5 Perfume x10

The First 500 users who make C$200,000 will also win

Modern Pop Monitor!

So what are you waiting for? Just go and finish you challenge right now!!

Have a AWESOME Pico life,
With a kilogram of love,   

1 comment:

  1. Aww... lucky, I didn't even finish the third challenge yet, can you tell me how do you do these challenges so fast?
