
Again? Back to Pigg then...

What?! Again? Well then, I'll be in Pigg...

es, again. I knew it was some sort of mixed up with the settings when I can go back to Pico. My friends are like "maybe your dad realize he was wrong and let you go back on" and they were wrong... And yes, hooray for my haters -.- All I can do is go on Pigg. I'm really proud of myself 'cause I didn't cry at all this time. I rmb last time, my pillow is soaked that night, I kept thinking about my friends and the good times we had.

So this is what happens every time I go on Pico or Facebook

    Anyways, the first picture on top is a slot machine I found in someone else's house, I was really shocked because you can have your own slot? Well of course no, I tried to play but turns out it's only a decor. 
    Also, I got really addicted to this game on Pigg that's about fishing. At first I really hate it because I wasted so many baits and never caught one fish, after *^%¥%#*(+@ hours of procrastinating practicing, finally got the hang of it, so caught some fishes, and did a little happy dance xD
    This picture on the left is when I got the really rare fish, its golden, and hard to get. And of course I'm not skilled enough to get it

   Anyway, Pigg was fun, it reminds me of all my precious noob times on pico, and I can be unique in Pigg since not a lot of people speaks English.
    Best of all, I can finally have more time with my dear friends, in Pico, whenever there's an Slot challenge/campaign, or anything about casino, I always run to the casino and play all day and ended up not having anytime for my friends, and actually have fun. I mean seriously, casino is boring, imagine you just sit there for over 10 hours only moving your finger to click "play max" This is totally ruining my teenage life, and now I finally got a chance to hang out with my friends, and yes, this is enough for me, that's why I haven't post my Pigg name yet. (Well I did, but only half of it, and someone is really smart, she precisely used the hint I gave and she found me on Pigg xD)
Fishing with my best friends

Have fun~
That's the most important thing ^3^

P.S.: Today is my examination day, and then another exam on Monday. I doubt I can survive because my exam is 9 pages! Anyways, wish me luck ^_^

Have a great Pico/Pigg/real life~
With Love,



s many of already or never heard, there's a hot topic about SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act)  on the web these few days. A lot of tech companies like Apple, Intel, Corel, Dell and 25 other well-known tech companies are supporters under the BSA (Business Software Alliance)

Mozilla is strongly against both acts because its use of DNS filtering. Also, well-known sites like Google and Wikipedia are protesting, too. On January 18, Google had a black censor on the logo, and Wikipedia had a blackout for 24 hours

What is PIPA?
PIPA is an acronym for the Protect IP Act, and was first introduced to the U.S. Senate on May 12, 2011 by Senators Patrick Leahy, Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley. It is also good to take note that PIPA is a re-written legislation, the original being the failed to pass Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) of 2010.
PIPA, if passed, will give  U.S. corporations and the government the right to seek affirmative legal action with any website that they see as enabling copyright infringement whether of U.S. origin or not. Here is a breakdown of all that they will have the power to do.
  • Force U.S. internet providers to block access to websites deemed as enablers of copyright infringement
  • Seek legal action by suing search engines, blog sites, directories, or any site in general to have the black listed sites removed from their website
  • Will be able to force advertising services on infringing websites, and those supporting of them, to remove them from their advertising accounts
  • Companies will also have the power to sue any new websites that get started after this bill is passed, if they believe that they are not doing a good job of preventing infringement on your website
What is SOPA?

SOPA is an acronym for the Stop Online Piracy Act, and is a bill introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives by Represenative Lamar Smith on October 26, 2011. In similarity with PIPA, SOPA is a build on a previous legislation. This legislation being the PRO-IP Act of 2008.
SOPA, if passed, will work in conjunction with PIPA. As described by such entities as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, SOPA is nothing more so than the U.S. government and private corporations black list. Here is a breakdown of the power given to the government and private corporations:

  • The U.S. Attorney General can now seek a court order that would force search engines, advertisers, DNS providers, servers, and payment processors from having any contact with allegedly infringing websites
  • It will allow private corporations to create their own personal hit lists composed of websites they feel are breaking their copyright policies, ironically this doesn’t have any odd feelings of a legal mafia at all. These companies will be able to directly contact a website’s payment processors a notice to cut all off payment involvement with the targeted website. This payment processors and website of question will then have five days to act before it is simply taken down.
  • Payment processors will have the power to cut off any website they work with, as long as they can provide a strong reason of why they believe this site is violating copyrights
How can this affect us all?
Both SOPA and  PIPA out power in hands of the entertainment industry to censor sites that  allegedly "engage in, enable or facilitate" copyright infringement. This language is vague enough to target sites we use everyday, like Facebook, Pico, Youtube, Twitter, search engines, blog sites, any site that has a bit to do with copyight and privacy will be blocked. And for blog owners like me, these acts will make the blog owners responsibility for everything that is displayed on their site, including the comments from visitors.

What can we do?
Nothing much but protest, there are a lot of petitions you can sign online, and you don' t have to be a U.S. citizen to sign it. Here's the online petition that I signed. Also, stay informed, being unaware of what's going on is only allowing acts like these to pass through without anyone knowing.


    Please help saving our internet,
    if you got something to say, 
    your voice must be heard
    we don't like these bills, 
    we have right to protest.

    Have a non-censored Pico life
    With furious, 

    Dream Came true

     had a dream, I dremt that there was a 7x campaign in slot and I slot for 2 hours and finally, got 1.5 million and bought a escargot. Wait no, that wasn't a dream! -pinch- ouch.... Okay, so I wasn't dreaming :) Anyways, after 2 months of intense slotting, this finally came to an end. and well, although slotting is really really boring, but it's all worth it since slot is the only game that can actually earn money. Big thanks to the Etoile sisters, they were the ones got my interested in getting an esca<3 Okay so


    Spade King Challenge

    ey guys! How you all doing? And well, I'm not too great because my dad blocked me from going on Pico, and I don't know why but it was unblocked a few days ago, and well of course slotting is the first thing on my list. When I started doing this challenge, there was only a day and 6 hours left, and sure enough, it was hard but I did, I finally finished it last night! Mostly because of the 7x though. Anyway, I'm still busy slotting right now and you know why, yes, my dream of black escargot. and I'm really psyched right now because 32k more, then my dream can come true;3 Well, another dream might not come true, and that is my black card, since my dad blocked me for a week, and now it's already 20th, and I only made 600k so far, if they keep having 5x or 7x campaign, then yes, I can make 400k in 10 days, but if not, it will be really difficult to keep my black card ... And here, my little guide as usual:


    Pigg replacing Pico?


    ell, life goes on right? After  my Pico farewell with 2 of my best friends, after crying my heart out, I finally came to realize, I have to move on. And guess what? My best friend on Pico, she even made another Pigg account, just for me~ At that moment, the bottom of my heart feels really
    warm. And yes, although we are newbies in Pigg, but I realize  I really miss my noob times, andnow it's my chance, to be
    normal again. Also, I'm having a great time in Pigg, see? this daily bonus thing, I won it twice^3^ Well yes, only 1 ag each time, but it's not about the amount I win. Also, I can actually go on Pico with another computer, so don't worry, I will still go on Pico everyday after midnight here, and on Monday from 6pm - 9pm in Eastern time zone(GMT-5).

    And look, this picture on the left is supposed to be some star book thing, and well, I waited there for a while and here, finally got the star ^-^ And I don't get why, at first, everyone is dancing the same action, and saying something about SDM, and well I guess it's kind of like the dinosaur star in Pico right? And I was laughing so hard at first,


    Got banned :(

    kay perhaps some of you already knows, but now, I am officially announcing that.... I GOT BANNED! Okay so few days ago, when I was checking through the history, and found something like Youtube videos about


    Are you Kidding me?

    kay so I was anxiously waiting for the result all day, and it finally came out! Yes, the winners of the Etoile photo contest, I was really hoping to win with my first one since that was the one I spent the most time on, and guess what? That one didn't win and my forth one did! Okay so this is what happened:


    Slot Knight Challenge

    usy slottin' eh? Anyways, this challenge was really weird, because I remember this clearly, so this is what happen: I was shopping and new information came up, but it wasn't about this challenge, so I just ignored it. But then I remember on Benry's page, it said something about this, so I went to slot anyways, and turns out there is another challenge, the weird thing is, there's no maintenance for this. Okay, so here it is, the little guide I made myself and copied from Pico Official:


    Oh Mai God

    oly! Do you guys have any idea who did I just talked to? I've been looking up to her for my entire Pico life, I loved her with all my heart, I've always been stalking her around. Yes, if you know me well enough, then you should've guessed it. It's Mai, MaiRie Étoile! My goddess of all time! And to make things better, Faith was there too!

    Well yes, here's our first convo, i know i didn't say a lot and our convo only lasted 3 mins -sob sob- well i kinda embarrassed myself. Okay so this is what happened half an hour ago: I was wondering how come Mai and Mia's name is still the same, didn't they said their new name is with a star? And so I was wondering and searched them up, and I actually found them. So I did what I do everyday (yes, i just go in to their room everyday, i know stalking is bad but they dont go on at this time, so yea) i went to Mai's room and saw 2 people there. one doesn't have a name, and one is MaiRie*Étoile, and so i was shocked or an minute, and then they realized i was here, and asked me to sit down, i was like oh god i'm dead, i got caught stalking. But they were really nice, seems like they didn't mind me stalking them at all <3 but i was still in shocked, so i was really shy and really quiet all of a sudden. And then I realize I was kinda, no not kinda, it's totally, I was totally interrupting them, so I said bye to them and this and that this and that, and I left I remember Mai's last word was "aw" and Faith's last word was "take care" oh my god how sweet. I really wanna meet them again, and let them know the real me is as not shy and quiet as they thought and oh that was embarrassing :( I finally get the meet them and I screwed up WAHH TT.TT 

    Well, hope one day I can talk to them again with my real self, which is not shy AT ALL and hope they will think I'm fun to be with~

    Have a extraordinary Pico life,
    Still shocked

    Étoile's New Year Photo contest~


    Love you guys


    was really really shocked by the page views I got last month. In November, my total page views was only 151, but in December, it suddenly increased to 476. Also, this is only the second day of January, and it's already at 74, I really can't believe it! I know 400 page views is nothing comparing to other famous people's blog, but I'm just a ordinary girl~ it is a big achievement for me, so I decided to share this with you guys, and I want to thank you all fro pumping up my stats.

    Oh My God

    ot long ago, actually it was few days ago, it was the Pierrot Challenge's due date right? But for some reason, the 5x slot campaign is still here ^.^ So I did what I would usually do — run to casino and slot ALL DAY and NIGHT for my escargot.