
I'm back, and Hello Equinox

erhaps you haven't notice yet, but I am here to gladly announce it: I am BACK :D I have no idea though. Once I was so bored, and I remember my FB friend's status from long ago saying something about "If curiosity killed the cat, then..." I don't remember the rest of the expression, so I Googled it and I accidentally clicked into this page, where they redirect me into FB. Surprising huh? 

Maid and Duke challenge~

es, I finally finished the challenge. I really love the outfits in this challenge, it's sweet and cute and most of all, Pico finally separate the prizes into boys and girls, the past challenges' prize are all unisex, when I wear it, I look boyish, a guy wear it, it looks girly. Anyways, so when first day I went back, it was 3x, so I didn't bother doing it. Then it was 10x during the last day, and it really earned me a lot :)

Slot 10x !! (it's already over)

kay, so the last 10x in slot was ages ago, and no one would've expected to come again. But this time, it isn't only for 2 hours, it's for 24 hours!! Well okay, of course I rushed to the casino and slot all day, and I wouldn't never expect I could finish the Maid and Duke challenge but I did. For some reason, it's because Pico is losing players now, and they made all these just to get people to play their game. Well anyways, I don't care xD 


Ups and Downs...Should I Quit?

fter all these ups and downs, laughters and tears, I finally came to an solution — Quit. Okay so why? Well a day ago, I found out that I can use proxy, an anonymous server to bypass parental control. So I got really hyped up and with all my hope, but, the stupid FB security thing kept getting into my way. To make the long story short, then no, I didn't get to go on Pico, the end. No, not the end yet, since they detected I'm trying to log in with different server, they suspect I'm getting hacked and locked my FB account, to get it unlock, I need to give them my cell phone number, but I DON'T HAVE A FRIGGING PHONE ALRIGHT? And now if I don't give them my number, they are going to permanently lock my account, which means bye bye pico even though there's no parental control.

So I thought about it, I really should quit, I mean I have a presentation tomorrow and I didn't even start yet. I'm thinking to keep blogging but well, no one is going read my blog when I quitted Pico.
So what do you think I should do? I made a poll on the right sidebar of my blog, and you can vote there. Help me, I'm really stucked right now.
Have a nice life unlike mine,
With /conf /angry and /sad


How to make your avatar wink~

kay, so A LOT of you have asked about winking and there's a lot of concerns going on about winking = hacking, well that is totally false, this is just plain editing, it's cute and easy, and all you need is paint. And yes, I ain't creative enough to start this winking trend, it was Mai who started, she posted a picture on her blog with a winking eyes, and I saw it and thought about it for a moment, I figured out how to do it. And seems like everyone is so interested in knowing how, so I made this, and hope you enjoy~~


How to join Pigg

kay, so there's been few people asking me making an Pigg account for them, and I did what they wished for, but, there's no way I'm going to make everyone a Pigg account, so instead, I made this guide so you all can make your own account by yourself. Spent some time to make this, so hope it will help.

So first
   Go to www.ameba.jp (this is the home page) or www.pigg.ameba.jp (this is for direct log in/register) Yes it's all Japanese and don't count on Google translate to translate everything, it won't help at all.


Pigg's 3rd Anniversary~

ell okay, I know I'm kind of late but whatever. A few days ago, it was Pigg's third birthday, and they made this now park and all these new item to celebrate it. But they are good at earning money, they made all these special items quite expensive, so no, I didn't buy them. The only thing I bought was the gummies action that cost 200 gummies. Well Pigg is unlike Pico, in Pico you get 10 gummies each props, but here, you only get 1. And as far as I know, the max you can earn a day is only 43 gummies, so yes, 200 is quite a lot in Pigg. And here's my little guide as usual:


Revealed !

kay so this was a dare. Yes, this was the big secret I was talking about, and I finished writing this post a few days ago but I finally gather enough courage to actually post it out now. So what's my secret? It might not be a secret to you but it is to me. A week ago, one of my friends dared me to post everything about me on my blog, and so I went through the letter box, and decided to answer the questions that I got the most, and here are it is:


Fishing Challenge

es, I was hoping to do this at least once, and finally, it's my very first post about fishing challenge~~ And no, sorry, there's no title because I can't or type Japanese, so I'll just call it fishing challengexD I really love this challenge, mainly because of the prizes, but sadly I didn't get to finish it, the 6th quest is way too hard for  me V.V I spent 9 hours a day fishing, and still... -sigh- Anyways, here's my first ever fishing guide: